Sustainable cities 2022
Sustainable Cities in the Nordic-Baltic Region 2022 was an intensive four-day event, master’s level course and competition focusing on multidisciplinary and practical urban planning and collaboration. The course brought together students, teachers, professors, practitioners and other leading experts from the Nordic-Baltic countries to share ideas and work together on a real-life planning case, taking on the challenge of developing sustainable cities.
The course is academically grounded and planned together with qualified teachers and researchers from the Nordic and Baltic universities. We are also collaborating with the City of Stockholm and other relevant actors to address the real issues in the area. The students will work on the case assignment throughout the four-day course in teams. The group work will be facilitated by doctoral students, all with different orientations around the urban planning issues. The course work also includes a written pre-assignment before the intensive course, on line group meetings, as well as a written report after the course on the learning experiences and case outcomes. Read the course description here.
The theme for the Sustainable Cities in the Nordic-Baltic Region 2022 was to develop visions for Gullmarsplan and Årstaskogen, the area connecting central Stockholm to the Southern suburbs. The area will undergo redevelopment and the ambition is to provide housing, workplaces, services, transportation, culture and opportunities for outdoor recreation. Part of the challenge will be to connect the visions for Gullmarsplan to different qualities of the surrounding urban landscape. Key words are urban transformation, mobility, integrated grey-green infrastructure and culture as an engine of change and vitalization.
The final proposals of multidisciplinary teams taking part in a project Sustainable Cities in the Nordic-Baltic Region 2022 were presented on Wednesday, 27th of April at Stockholm Resilience Center / Stockholm University. The jury awarded two proposals, Developing a NATUREHOOD and Bridging Gullmarsplan.
All five proposals presented innovative, inspiring, and highly impressive and implementable ideas for the future development of the area. The groups also showed excellent collaboration of multidisciplinary teams.
Developing a NATUREHOOD
by the Green barz #no_cars
Michael Dyblie, Martin Haamer, Mariela Urra Schiaffino, Laurynas Urbikas, Tolkyn Abdirova tutored by Margarita Vološina
This proposal focuses on the development of a “Naturehood”, a space for habitation that welcomes both human and natural species in a symbiotic relationship. Proposed interventions are divided into four themes:
- social and natural connection
- creating an inviting naturehood
- symbiotic cohabitation
- participatory planning
Bridging Gullmarsplan
by Green Musketeers
Saarajohanna Kuru, Katrine Bruun, Imoleayo Asiwaju, Joonatan Kama, Valerija Eglite
tutored by Ana Sabanovic
The project connects Gullmarsplan, Årstaskogen, and the surrounding city districts and nature areas. Furthermore, the project addresses the voiced lack of activities and identity in the area. The solutions proposed focus on the following areas:
- Connections and mobility
- Activities and Identity
- Environment and Biodiversity
22 000 homes habitats
by Happy Beavers
Niko Riepponen, Oana Cosmina Iliescu, Andre Helgestad, Lelde Vītola
tutored by Thilo Wellman
This proposal´s goal is to connect green areas and create bio-corridors with integrated blue-green infrastructure, functional and safe mobility and strong involvement of the community. Designed actions have potential as communication and interaction that adds to the history and identity of the place and emerge socio-ecological relations.
All you need is Gullmarsplan
by Sustainable winners
Samuli Huusko, Rabin Sharma, Olja Fomina, Andris Lismanis, Rūta Vitkutė
tutored by Taru Lehtokunnas and Kevin Drain
This proposal concentrates on socio-ecological sustainability with focus on the area under the bridge for assuring the green corridor, the urban boulevard with the aim of moving in and around the area and the community centre as the central point, with a culture hub integrated into the existing river ecosystem.
Bridging the gaps
by M/S Välkommen
Moona Tikka, Margarita Oja, Arina Nosikova, Valters Muzikants, Augustas Lapinskas
tutored by Stella Tsitsiragos and Kadi Karmen Kaldma
This proposal opens up the waterfront to the people in three dimensions – above, near and in the water:
– by creating a unique space and vista point for the city, allowing for a previously lacking sight
– by developing a new waterfront pathway connecting the Årstaskogen to Hammarbyhamnen
– by introducing services that provide a corporeal experience
Additionally, this proposal implements established technology to provide sustainable energy.
About the project:
Organizers: The project is administered by Hanaholmen and the partners include University of Tallinn, University of Latvia and Stockholm University (Stockholm Resilience Center). In addition, the project group consists of members from collaborative partners such as Aalto University, University of Helsinki, University of Tampere and the Urban Academy Network.
Funders: Nordplus Horizontal 2019-2021
Partners: Stockholm Stad, Tallink Silja Line
The Nordic City Challenge was piloted in 2015 in Espoo, Finland. After the first three years the organizing team has continued to develop the concept, in order to be able to promote multi-sectoral and -disciplinary collaboration concerning sustainable urban development in the future. In 2019 the Project took its current name, Sustainable Cities in the Nordic-Baltic Region.