Nordic Urban Laboratory

Hanaholmen, Espoo, Finland

22 - 24.3.2018

Nordic Urban Laboratory will give an overview of both current European and Nordic trends and experience as well as focusing on issues, practices and cases in Finland.

This is the third and final open Nordic gathering of cultural managers and cultural strategists, urbanists and city planners, architects, visual and performance artists, researchers and academics, students, community organisers, urban activists, environmentalists, and city councilors, to look at alternative culturally based urban strategies and practice.

Themes will explore some of the key aspects of taking a cultural perspective on the city and on urban strategies and will include; cultural mapping, from temporary to permanent, citizen led initiatives, activism and artivism, pop up and performative architecture, place making, do it yourself urbanism, linking urban and cultural strategies, gaming and urbanism, microtopias for visioning, urban tool kits, engaging and empowering citizens, public space as the key, new directions for public art, informal and formal processes – and naturally sessions on cultural planning.

Organisation: Metropolis by Københavns Internationale Teater in collaboration with Espoo, Pori, Sipoo Cultural Dpts., The University of Turku, Aalto University and Hanaholmen and with support from The Nordic Culture Fund.

Updated programme and registration: Metropolis – Københavns Internationale Teater

More information:
Trevor Davies (Metropolis): td(at), (+45) 2940 4489
Maunu Häyrynen (Uni. of Turku): mauhay(at)
Aino Kostiainen (Hanaholmen), aino.kostiainen(at), (+358) 40 551 9933

Picture: Metropolis – Københavns Internationale Teater