Nordic City Challenge case-ehdotukset ja palkintoseremonia
Vuoden 2017 Nordic Case Competition palkintoseremonia.
Welcome to the Award Ceremony and Presentations for The Nordic City Challenge 2017!
Is it possible to design urban environments that are beneficial to ecosystems while creating better environments for people? How can art and design support sustainable urban planning?
We are arranging something really exciting this autumn, and invite you to be a part of it! On Wednesday November 1st at 12.45 am-3.25 pm we invite you to the Award Ceremony and Case Solutions of the Nordic City Challenge 2017! Join us to hear top students from Nordic universities propose sustainable planning solutions to Pasila neighbourhood in Helsinki!
The Nordic City Challenge is an intensive three-day course focusing on multidisciplinary approach and practical urban planning based on the socio-ecological principles. The course brings together students, professors, practitioners, civil society, artists and other leading experts from the Nordic countries to share ideas and work together on a real-life planning case, taking on the challenge of developing sustainable cities. The participating students represent fields such as ecology, nature management, economics, sociology, public administration, architecture, design, engineering, arts, public health, urban planning and geography.
The sub-theme of this year’s Nordic City Challenge is Urban art and design. During the course, the students divided in international teams, create a solution to develop suitable and feasible urban planning projects in the neighborhood of Pasila. The case is strongly anchored into existing concerns about the development of the area which is currently undergoing large constructions. Both the city of Helsinki and the Academy are eager to hear the results of the case work and take the suggestions into account when working on the development plans. The case will also include input from civil society, planners and local activists.
The event is free of charge and the presentations will be held in English. Please register to the award ceremony here at the latest on October 25th 2017.
See the webpage for more information and the full program for The Nordic city challenge.
Social Media: any pictures taken please add (!): #NordicCityChallenge17 and #Hanasaari #Hanaholmen
Enquiries: Jonna Similä, Hanasaari – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, jonna.simila(at), 0406495454
Sari Mertanen, sari.mertanen(at)
Organizers: HanaAcademy, Hanasaari – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, Aalto University, Urban Academy network, Nordic Sustainable Campus Network (NSCN) and Aalto University School of Engineering
Funders: Nordplus Horizontal. The project runs between 2016 and 2018.