The Nordic Breastfeeding Conference 2023

Hanaholmen, Espoo

21 - 22.9.2023

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The 10th Nordic Breastfeeding Conference

Efficient breastfeeding promotion, education and support

The Nordic Breastfeeding Conference will be held at Hanaholmen Cultural Centre (Espoo, Helsinki capital area), Finland 21-22 September 2023. The event will be arranged as an on-site conference.

The conference is open to all breastfeeding professionals.

Registration details:

  • Conference fee: 225 €/person including the conference 21-22 September 2023
    • Including lunch and coffee
  • Dinner fee: 75 €/person including dinner and drinks 21 September 2023
  • The registration ended on September 1, 2023.

Registration is now closed.


21.9.2023 THURSDAY

8.30–9.30 Registration
9.30–10.00 Opening ceremony Kirsi Otronen Chair for organizing committee, Sofia Virta Parliament Member, Tina Räihä Hanaholmen, Elias Kaskinen music
10.00–11.00 Plenary session Jack Newman, MD, pediatrician: Breastfeeding and adult health
11.00–11.10 Break
11.10–12.10 Parallel session 1 Breastfeeding and maternal wellbeing  |  LUNCH
12.10–13.10 Parallel session 2 Breastfeeding in national and global context  |  LUNCH
13.10–13.20 Break
13.20–14.20 Parallel session 3 Breastfeeding education  |  Parallel session 4 Support for breastfeeding families
14.20–15.00 Plenary session Hannakaisa Niela-Vilen, PhD, Docent, RM: It takes a village to provide high-quality breastfeeding support
15.00–15.40 Coffee break and poster walk
15.40–16.25 Plenary session Kaija Mikkola, MD, PhD, neonatologist: Co-operation project between Helsinki University Hospital and Helsinki Child Welfare Clinic to promote breastfeeding
16.25–17.40 Workshops (1. Heidi Parisod & Kristiina Heikkilä, 2. Meri Haahtela)
1) Nursing Research Foundation: Systematic Reviews
2) Reducing supplementary milk and monitoring the baby’s growth
18.30– Conference DINNER and DANCING in Hanaholmen
Hosts: Elina Rinne and Kirsi Otronen. Band: Liivit Boys

22.9.2023 FRIDAY

9.00–10.00 Plenary session Leena Forma, PhD, Docent, RN: Assessing effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of health interventions
10.00–10.20 Break
10.20–11.00 Parallel session 5 Professional training and tools  |  Parallel session 6 Breastfeeding support for newborns’ families
11.00–12.00 Parallel session 7 Baby Friendly programs and steps  |  LUNCH
12.00–13.00 Parallel session 8 Support in challenging situations |  LUNCH
13.00-13.45 Coffee break and poster walk
13.45–14.45 Plenary session Saara Salo, PhD, clinical psychologist and psychotherapist: Early attachment and Breastfeeding
14.45–15.15 Closing and farewell

Read and/or download the detailed programme here
The detailed programme includes the descriptions of all parallel sessions and poster presentations.

Keynote speakers

Dr. Jack Newman graduated from the University of Toronto medical school in 1970, interning at the Vancouver General Hospital.  He did his training in pædiatrics in Quebec City and then at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto from 1977-1981 to become a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada in 1981 as well as Board Certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 1981.  He has worked as a physician in Central America, New Zealand and as a paediatrician in South Africa. He founded the first hospital based breastfeeding clinic in Canada in 1984.  He has been a consultant for UNICEF for the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, evaluating the first candidate hospitals in Gabon, the Ivory Coast and Canada.

Dr. Newman was a staff paediatrician at the Hospital for Sick Children emergency department from 1983 to 1992, and was, for a period of time, the acting chief of the emergency services.  However, once the breastfeeding clinic started functioning, it took more and more of his time and he eventually worked full time helping mothers and babies with breastfeeding.  He founded the International Breastfeeding Centre in Toronto where he and his staff see over 2,500 mothers and babies a year.

Dr. Newman has several publications on breastfeeding, and in 2000 published, along with Teresa Pitman, a help guide for professionals and mothers on breastfeeding, called, Dr. Jack Newman’s Guide to Breastfeeding, as it’s known in Canada (revised editions, January 2003 and January 2005, and a completely re-written version published in 2014), and The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers, as it’s known in the US (revised edition, November 2006). The book has been translated into French, Spanish, Indonesian and Japanese. In 2006, Dr. Newman, along with Teresa Pitman, published The Latch and Other Keys to Breastfeeding Success (Hale Publishing). This book is now out of print but available in French. He has also, along with Edith Kernerman, developed a DVD as a teaching tool for health professionals and mothers.  It is available in English and French (on the same DVD).  As well, it is subtitled in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian (on the same DVD).  Dr Jack Newman’s Guide to Breastfeeding has now been completely revised and available since June 2014.

In July 2018, Dr Newman, along with his co-author Andrea Polokova, published Breastfeeding: empowering parents. It is available both as an eBook and a paperback at Interactive eBook and Paperback.

His website has a lot of information on breastfeeding and in particular video clips that help mothers understand breastfeeding better.  For video clips with explanatory texts in English health providers can go to

In 2013, Dr Newman was awarded the Queen’s Jubilee Medal for service.

Photo: Pasi Leino

Hannakaisa Niela-Vilen, PhD, Docent, RM, works as a University lecturer at the Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku, Finland. Her main research interests are breastfeeding support including early physical contact between a mother and her newborn infant, and using digital solutions to support the care of pregnant and postpartum women. Dr. Niela-Vilen has over ten years experience as a researcher and teacher at the university. Due to her scientific contribution, she was nominated as a Midwife of the Year in 2021 by the Federation of Finnish Midwives. Before her academic career, Dr. Niela-Vilen has worked seven years as a midwife at the birthing unit.

Leena Forma, PhD, Docent, RN, works as a senior researcher at Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Vantaa, Finland. Her background is in health economics and health services research. Assessing effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of health interventions are some of her expertise areas. Even though Forma has mainly focused on studying of health and social services for older people, the methods and principles are applicable in all phases of life course. In her earlier career, Forma has been working as a researcher and university lecturer in Tampere University and University of Helsinki. She is a member of board of the Finnish Society for Health Economic and a member of editorial team in Journal in Social Medicine.

Registration details:

  • Conference fee: 225 €/person including the conference 21-22 September 2023
  • Dinner fee: 75 €/person including dinner and drinks 21 September 2023
  • The registration ended on September 1, 2023.

Registration is now closed.